What is Statgovaz and why is it important?
Statgovaz is the official name of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is the central authority responsible for producing, disseminating, and coordinating official statistics in the country. Statgovaz plays a vital role in providing accurate, timely, and relevant statistical information to the public, the government, and the international community. In this article, we will explore the history, mission, functions, activities, benefits, challenges, and services of Statgovaz.
The history and mission of Statgovaz
Statgovaz was established in 1991, following the restoration of independence of Azerbaijan from the Soviet Union. Since then, Statgovaz has undergone several reforms and developments to improve its organizational structure, legal framework, methodological standards, technical capacities, human resources, and service quality. The main mission of Statgovaz is to produce official statistics that reflect the social and economic realities of Azerbaijan in accordance with international principles and best practices.
The main functions and activities of Statgovaz
Statgovaz performs a variety of functions and activities to fulfill its mission. Some of the main ones are:
Statistical data collection and dissemination
Statgovaz collects statistical data from various sources, such as administrative records, censuses, surveys, registers, etc. Statgovaz processes, analyzes, verifies, and publishes statistical data on various topics, such as population, labor, social protection, health, education, culture, science, innovation, governance, justice, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, industry, construction, services, trade, prices, national accounts, macroeconomic indicators, energy, environment, life quality, etc. Statgovaz disseminates statistical data through various channels, such as its official website (www.stat.gov.az), printed publications, electronic media (CDs/DVDs), press releases, newsletters, alerts, etc.
Statistical analysis and research
Statgovaz conducts statistical analysis and research to provide deeper insights into the social and economic trends and issues in Azerbaijan. Statgovaz also participates in international statistical projects and studies to compare and benchmark its statistics with other countries. Some examples of statistical analysis and research conducted by Statgovaz are:
PopulationMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)2023
LaborLabor Force Survey (LFS)2022Statgovaz conducts statistical analysis and research to provide deeper insights into the social and economic trends and issues in Azerbaijan. Statgovaz also participates in international statistical projects and studies to compare and benchmark its statistics with other countries. Some examples of statistical analysis and research conducted by Statgovaz are:
PopulationMultiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)2023
LaborLabor Force Survey (LFS)2022
Social protectionSocial Protection Development Project (SPDP)2021
HealthHealth Statistics and Information Systems (HSIS)2020
EducationEducation for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA-GMR)2019
CultureCultural Statistics Framework (CSF)2018
Science, innovation, and ICTScience, Technology, and Innovation Policy Review (STIPR)2017
Governance and justiceGlobal Corruption Barometer (GCB)2016
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheriesAgricultural Census (AC)2015
Industry, construction, and servicesIndustrial Production Index (IPI)2014
Trade and pricesConsumer Price Index (CPI)<
National accounts and macroeconomic indicators National Accounts Statistics (NAS) 2012
Energy and environment Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 2011
Life quality Gross National Happiness Index (GNHI) 2010
Statistical education and training
Statgovaz provides statistical education and training to its staff, as well as to other government agencies, academic institutions, private sector organizations, civil society groups, media outlets, and interested individuals. Statgovaz organizes workshops, seminars, courses, webinars, conferences, and other events to enhance the statistical knowledge and skills of its stakeholders. Statgovaz also develops and distributes statistical manuals, guides, textbooks, glossaries, dictionaries, and other materials to support statistical learning and literacy.
statgovaz population statistics
statgovaz economic and social research
statgovaz official statistical reports
statgovaz electronic submission of reports
statgovaz agricultural statistics
statgovaz price statistics
statgovaz national accounts and macroeconomic indicators
statgovaz industrial and construction statistics
statgovaz service statistics
statgovaz transport statistics
statgovaz communication statistics
statgovaz tourism, catering and other market services statistics
statgovaz energy and environment statistics
statgovaz trade statistics
statgovaz quality of life statistics
statgovaz quality management and metadata
statgovaz coordination and strategic planning of statistical work
statgovaz indicators of regions
statgovaz main socio-economic indicators by administrative territorial units
statgovaz information for entrepreneurs
statgovaz e-library
statgovaz state programs
statgovaz statistical dictionary
statgovaz printed information
statgovaz news and events
statgovaz international cooperation and projects
statgovaz legislation and normative documents
statgovaz open data portal
statgovaz multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS)
statgovaz census: challenges and opportunities international forum
statgovaz 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev's birth
statgovaz Islamic Cooperation Organization (ICO) Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC)
statgovaz tree planting campaign
statgovaz reliability level assessment of data in official reports
statgovaz forestry and fisheries statistics
statgovaz education, science, innovation and culture statistics
statgovaz public administration and law violations statistics
statgovaz social protection and health statistics
statgovaz labor statistics
statgovaz complaints and suggestions
statgovaz use statistics counter
statgovaz temporary suspension of activity with scanned request submission instruction
statgovaz contact information and feedback form
statgovaz vacancies and tenders
Statistical cooperation and integration
Statgovaz cooperates and integrates with other national and international statistical organizations to harmonize, standardize, exchange, and improve its statistics. Statgovaz is a member of various regional and global statistical networks and platforms, such as the Commonwealth of Independent States Statistical Committee (CIS-STAT), the Economic Cooperation Organization Statistical Network (ECO-STAT), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division (UNECE-STAT), the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC), the International Monetary Fund Statistics Department (IMF-STAT), the World Bank Data Group (WB-DATA), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Statistics Directorate (OECD-STAT), the European Union Statistical Office (EUROSTAT), etc. Statgovaz also participates in various statistical initiatives and programs, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), the International Comparison Program (ICP), etc.
The benefits and challenges of Statgovaz
Statgovaz provides many benefits to its users and partners, but it also faces some challenges in its work. Let us look at some of them.
The benefits of Statgovaz for the public, the government, and the international community
Statgovaz offers many benefits to different groups of users and partners. Some of them are:
Enhancing transparency and accountability
Statgovaz enhances transparency and accountability by providing objective, impartial, independent, and accessible statistics on various aspects of Azerbaijan's society and economy. Statgovaz helps the public to monitor the performance and progress of the government in achieving its goals and commitments. Statgovaz also helps the government to report on its activities and results to the public and the international community. Statgovaz also helps to promote a culture of transparency and accountability in the society.
Supporting evidence-based decision making and policy formulation
Statgovaz supports evidence-based decision making and policy formulation by providing reliable, relevant, and timely statistics on various topics and indicators. Statgovaz helps the government to identify the needs, priorities, challenges, and opportunities of the country and to design, implement, evaluate, and adjust its policies and programs accordingly. Statgovaz also helps the public to understand the rationale and impact of the government's decisions and policies. Statgovaz also helps to foster a dialogue and collaboration between the government and other stakeholders, such as the private sector, civil society, academia, media, etc.
Promoting social and economic development and well-being
Statgovaz promotes social and economic development and well-being by providing statistics that measure the status, trends, and achievements of Azerbaijan in various domains and dimensions. Statgovaz helps the government to monitor and assess the progress and performance of the country in relation to its national vision, goals, and strategies, as well as to its regional and international commitments and obligations. Statgovaz also helps the public to evaluate the quality of life and satisfaction of the people in different aspects, such as health, education, income, employment, environment, culture, etc.
Contributing to regional and global statistical standards and initiatives
Statgovaz contributes to regional and global statistical standards and initiatives by adopting, adapting, applying, and sharing its statistical methodologies, practices, experiences, and innovations with other countries and organizations. Statgovaz helps to improve the comparability, consistency, compatibility, and coherence of statistics across different countries and regions. Statgovaz also helps to advance the development and implementation of new statistical concepts, frameworks, systems, indicators, and tools to address the emerging and evolving data needs and challenges of the world.
The challenges of Statgovaz in the changing world
Statgovaz faces some challenges in its work in the changing world. Some of them are:
Adapting to new data sources and technologies
Statgovaz has to adapt to new data sources and technologies that offer new opportunities and challenges for statistical production and dissemination. Statgovaz has to explore and exploit the potential of big data, such as social media, mobile phones, sensors, satellites, etc., to complement and supplement its traditional data sources, such as censuses, surveys, registers, etc. Statgovaz also has to adopt and apply new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, etc., to enhance its statistical processes, methods, quality, efficiency, and innovation. Statgovaz also has to cope with the risks and limitations of new data sources and technologies, such as data gaps, biases, errors, uncertainties, complexities, costs, etc.
Ensuring data quality and reliability
Statgovaz has to ensure data quality and reliability by following the international standards and principles of official statistics, such as relevance, accuracy, timeliness, coherence, comparability, accessibility, etc. Statgovaz has to implement and monitor quality assurance mechanisms and procedures throughout the statistical cycle, from data collection to data dissemination. Statgovaz also has to communicate and demonstrate its data quality and reliability to its users and partners by providing metadata, documentation, indicators, measures, and reports of data quality and reliability. Statgovaz also has to address and resolve any data quality and reliability issues or concerns raised by its users and partners.
Protecting data privacy and security
Statgovaz has to protect data privacy and security by respecting the rights and interests of the data providers and the data users. Statgovaz has to comply with the legal and ethical norms and regulations regarding data protection and confidentiality. Statgovaz has to implement and maintain data security measures and safeguards to prevent and respond to any data breaches, leaks, losses, thefts, damages, or misuse. Statgovaz also has to educate and inform its staff, as well as its data providers and users, about the importance and responsibility of data privacy and security.
Meeting the diverse and growing data needs and expectations of users
Statgovaz has to meet the diverse and growing data needs and expectations of its users by providing statistics that are relevant, timely, comprehensive, user-friendly, and tailored to their specific purposes and preferences. Statgovaz has to identify and anticipate the current and emerging data demands and requirements of its users from different sectors, levels, backgrounds, and interests. Statgovaz also has to engage and consult with its users to understand their feedback, suggestions, opinions, and satisfaction with its statistics. Statgovaz also has to adapt and innovate its statistical products, services, formats, modes, channels, and platforms to suit the changing needs and expectations of its users.
How to access and use Statgovaz services
Statgovaz offers a range of services to its users to facilitate their access and use of its statistics. Some of the main ones are:
The official website of Statgovaz
The official website of Statgovaz (www.stat.gov.az) is the primary and most comprehensive source of statistical information and services provided by Statgovaz. The website contains various features and sections that allow users to access and use Statgovaz statistics. Some of them are:
The main features and sections of the website
The website has several features and sections that help users to navigate and explore the website. Some of them are:
The homepage, which displays the latest news, events, publications, indicators, and highlights of Statgovaz.
The menu bar, which provides links to the main sections of the website, such as About Us, Statistics, Publications, Services, Media, Contacts, etc.
The search box, which allows users to search for any keyword or phrase within the website.
The language switcher, which allows users to change the language of the website from Azerbaijani to English or Russian.
The accessibility options, which allow users to adjust the font size, contrast, and layout of the website according to their preferences.
The feedback form, which allows users to send their comments, questions, suggestions, or complaints to Statgovaz.
How to find, download, and request statistical data and publications
The website provides various ways for users to find, download, and request statistical data and publications produced by Statgovaz. Some of them are:
The Statistics section, which contains sub-sections for different topics and indicators of statistics, such as Population and Demography, Labor and Employment, Social Protection, Health, Education, Culture, Science and Innovation, Governance and Justice, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Industry, Construction and Services, Trade and Prices, National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators, Energy and Environment, Life Quality, etc. Each sub-section provides tables, charts, maps, and dashboards of the latest and historical data on the selected topic or indicator. Users can view, download, print, or share the data in various formats, such as Excel, PDF, CSV, XML, etc.
The Publications section, which contains sub-sections for different types of publications produced by Statgovaz, such as Statistical Yearbooks, Statistical Bulletins, Statistical Reports, Statistical Newsletters, Statistical Manuals and Guides, Statistical Analysis and Research Papers, etc. Each sub-section provides the titles, summaries, and links of the publications on the selected type. Users can view, download, print, or share the publications in various formats, such as PDF, DOC, PPT, etc.
The Services section, which contains sub-sections for different types of services offered by Statgovaz, such as Electronic Services, Statistical Data Requests, Statistical Training Courses, Statistical Consultations, etc. Each sub-section provides the details, requirements, procedures, and forms of the services on the selected type. Users can apply for, receive, or access the services online or offline according to their needs and preferences.
How to subscribe to newsletters and alerts
The website allows users to subscribe to newsletters and alerts to receive the latest updates and information from Statgovaz. Users can subscribe to newsletters and alerts by providing their name and email address in the subscription form available on the homepage or in the Media section of the website. Users can choose to receive newsletters and alerts on different topics and frequencies according to their interests. Users can also unsubscribe from newsletters and alerts at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email they receive.
How to contact Statgovaz for feedback and inquiries
The website provides various ways for users to contact Statgovaz for feedback and inquiries. Some of them are:
The feedback form, which allows users to send their comments, questions, suggestions, or complaints to Statgovaz. Users can fill in the feedback form available on the homepage or in the Contacts section of the website. Users can also attach any files or documents related to their feedback or inquiry.
The email address, which allows users to send their feedback or inquiry directly to Statgovaz via email. Users can use the email address stat@stat.gov.az or any other email address provided by Statgovaz for specific purposes or topics.
The phone number, which allows users to call Statgovaz for their feedback or inquiry. Users can use the phone number (+994 12) 538 02 00 or any other phone number provided by Statgovaz for specific purposes or topics.
The postal address, which allows users to send their feedback or inquiry by mail to Statgovaz. Users can use the postal address 67 Khatai Avenue AZ1008 Baku Azerbaijan Republic or any other postal address provided by Statgovaz for specific purposes or topics.
The social media accounts, which allow users to follow, like, comment, share, or message Statgovaz on various social media platforms. Users can use the social media accounts of Statgovaz on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
The electronic services of Statgovaz
The electronic services of Statgovaz are a set of online services that allow users to access and use Statgovaz statistics more conveniently and efficiently. The electronic services of Statgovaz are available on the website (www.stat.gov.az) under the Services section. The electronic services of Statgovaz include:
The types and categories of electronic services offered by Statgovaz
The electronic services of Statgovaz are divided into two types: public and private. The public electronic services are open and free for all users, while the private electronic services require registration and login for authorized users. The electronic services of Statgovaz are also categorized into four groups: data, reports, training, and consultations. The data group includes services that allow users to access and download statistical data and publications. The reports group includes services that allow users to submit and receive official statistical reports online. The training group includes services that allow users to access statistical training courses and materials online. The consultations group includes services that allow users to request and receive statistical consultations online.
How to register and log in to the electronic services portal
To use the private electronic services of Statgovaz, users need to register and log in to the electronic services portal. Users can register and log in to the portal by following these steps:
Go to the website (www.stat.gov.az) and click on the Services section.
Click on the Electronic Services sub-section and then click on the Register button.
Fill in the registration form with your personal and contact information, such as name, surname, email address, phone number, etc.
Choose a username and password for your account and agree to the terms and conditions of the portal.
Click on the Submit button and wait for the confirmation email from Statgovaz.
Open the confirmation email and click on the activation link to activate your account.
Go back to the website (www.stat.gov.az) and click on the Services section.
Click on the Electronic Services sub-section and then click on the Login button.
Enter your username and password and click on the Login button.
You are now logged in to the electronic services portal and can use the private electronic services of Statgovaz.
How to submit and receive official statistical reports online
One of the private electronic services of Statgovaz is the online submission and receipt of official statistical reports. This service allows users who are obliged to provide statistical reports to Statgovaz, such as government agencies, enterprises, organizations, etc., to submit their reports online and receive feedback and confirmation from Statgovaz. Users can submit and receive official statistical reports online by following these steps:
Log in to the electronic services portal with your username and password.
Click on the Reports group and then click on the Submit Report service.
Select the type and period of the report that you need to submit from the drop-down menu.
Download the report template and fill in the required information and data according to the instructions and guidelines.
Upload the completed report file and click on the Submit button.
Wait for the verification and validation of your report by Statgovaz.
Receive an email notification from Statgovaz with the status and result of your report submission.
If your report is accepted, you will receive a confirmation code and a receipt from Statgovaz.
If your report is rejected, you will receive a rejection code and a reason from Statgovaz.
You can check the status and result of your report submission at any time by logging in to the electronic services portal and clicking on the Reports group and then clicking on the View Report Status service.
How to access statistical training courses and materials online
Another private electronic service of Statgovaz is the online access to statistical training courses and materials. This service allows users who are interested in learning more about statistics, such as students, researchers, journalists, etc., to access various statistical training courses and materials online. Users can access statistical training courses and materials online by following these steps:
Log in to the electronic services portal with your username and password.
Click on the Training group and then click on the Access Training Course service.
Select the topic and level of the training course that you want to access from the drop-down menu.
View the details, objectives, contents, duration, and requirements of the selected training course.
If you are eligible and interested in taking the training course, click on the Enroll button.
Wait for the confirmation email from Statgovaz with your enrollment code and instructions.
Open the confirmation email and click on the link to access the training course online.
Follow the instructions and complete the training course modules, quizzes, assignments, etc. according to your own pace and schedule.
Receive an email notification from Statgovaz with your completion code and certificate upon successfully finishing the training course.
You can also access various statistical training materials, such as manuals, guides, textbooks, glossaries, dictionaries, etc., by logging in to the electronic services portal and clicking on the Training group and then clicking on the Access Training Material service.
Statgovaz is the official statistical organization of Azerbaijan that provides a wide range of statistical information and services to its users and partners. Statgovaz has a long history and a clear mission of producing official statistics that reflect the social and economic realities of Azerbaijan. Statgovaz performs various functions and activities, such as data collection and dissemination, analysis and research, education and training, and cooperation and integration. Statgovaz offers many benefits to its users and partners, such as enhancing transparency and accountability, supporting evidence-based decision making and policy formulation, promoting social and economic development and well-being, and contributing to regional and global statistical standards and initiatives. Statgovaz also faces some challenges in its work, such as adapting to new data sources and technologies, ensuring data quality and reliability, protecting data privacy and security, and meeting the diverse and growing data needs and expectations of users. Statgovaz provides various services to its users to facilitate their access and use of its statistics, such as the official website of Statgovaz, the electronic services of Statgovaz, etc.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Statgovaz:
Q: What is the legal basis of Statgovaz?
A: The legal basis of Statgovaz is the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Official Statistics, which was adopted in 2004 and amended in 2018.
Q: What is the organizational structure of Statgovaz?
A: The organizational structure of Statgovaz consists of the Chairman, the Board, the Central Office, the Regional Offices, the Statistical Council, and the Scientific-Methodological Council.
Q: What are the main sources of funding for Statgovaz?
A: The main sources of funding for Statgovaz are the state budget of Azerbaijan, grants from international organizations, fees from statistical services, etc.
Q: How can I get a job at Statgovaz?
A: You can get a job at Statgovaz by applying for a vacancy announcement posted on the website or in the media. You will need to meet the qualifications, requirements, and conditions specified in the announcement. You will also need to pass a written test and an interview.
Q: How can I get more information about Statgovaz?
A: You can get more information about Statgovaz by visiting its website (www.stat.gov.az), contacting its staff by phone or email, or visiting its offices in person.